Friday, 18 November 2016

Creating pumpinks

The children have really enjoyed looking at the pumpkin. We talked about, the colour of the pumpkin, is it big or small, some of the children tried to pick the pumpkin up and expressed that it was heavy!! The children engaged with the activity; where they were able to create their own pumpkin picture. We used different materials and equipment, such as, paint, marker pens, paint brushes and stamps. Some of the children were able to give meaning to their marks as they were creating their pictures. They were able to tell me, if they had a pumpkin at home, which led on to the conversation of what they dressed up as for Halloween.

Putting our coats on by ourselves!

In Pre-school we have been practising to put our coats on by ourselves, we have been calling this, "the magic way". We have been encouraging the children to lay their coats on the floor and placing their arms through the sleeves of their coats and then to flip their coats over their heads.  The children have been very proud of them selves when they have achieved this! Well done pre-school.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Making cakes and decorating biscuits for Macmillian Coffee morning

The children helped to decorate biscuits and cakes, to help raise money for our Macmillan Coffee morning. The children really enjoyed helping to add the ingredients to make the chocolate crispy cakes. They were able to choose their own toppings to decorate the cakes and biscuits.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Releasing our Butterflies

Today, our Butterflies were ready to be released. All the children were very excited about their new adventure. Some of the children were confident enough to allow the Butterflies to sit on their hands.
We watched the Butterflies as they flew away. We talked about the colours that we could see on the Butterflies wings.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

The children visiting our new baby chicks

The children were very keen to meet our new baby chicks. There were two baby chicks, called; Peekachoo and Pingu. The children identified the colour of the chicks as black and yellow!

Easter Stay and Play

Our Easter Stay and Play was very successful. It was great to see so many parents and to see the children's faces when their parents arrived. The children were able to create Easter cards and also make some yummy chocolate nests!

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Exploring Soap Flakes

On Friday, the children really enjoyed exploring the soap flakes!! As you can see, the children used their hands, arms and face to explore the texture of the soap flakes! They all really enjoyed the sensory experience. It was lovely to see the interaction between the children. We had many laughs!!